KOL & Influencer Marketing


Let’s Start with a Strategy


Bloggers, vloggers, gamers and beauty gurus, to name but a few. These influencers are also called Key Opinion Leaders(KOL), referring to their ability to influence their audience’s opinion by their expertise on a certain topic. There are a plethora of influencers out there, coming from all four corners of the world. It’s fair to say that you can find just about any type of video or blog posts out there on the World Wide Web.


Influencers contribute to the generation of discussions about a certain topic, drive engagement and set cultural trends for audiences to follow. They are experts in creating interesting content to attract potential customers with their own tone of voice. Thus, they are strong partners for brands to grow their outreach, increase the number of businesses’ user social proofs and ultimately generate more social buzz for conversions. Influencer marketing is a powerful tool for brands that wanted to create a strong bond with their customers and audiences.


Influencers with a high number of following and a high level of engagement on key social media platforms tend to have a closer relationship with their followers and audiences. As a result, they are relatively more credible in what they say. Brands that adopt influencer marketing are thus better connected to their audiences to create long-term and loyal relationships.

KOL & Influencer Marketing

Whether it is publishing sponsored content or making them brand ambassadors, working with KOLs or influencers allow brands to reach out to a wide network of audiences as well as targeting a specific group of audience.

We help brands by selecting the right candidate of online personalities who are suitable to further drive messages on social media, e-commerce stores in various formats – Livestream, short video content, reviews or social posts.

We set up influencer campaigns and select KOLs based on the country, verticals/industry, platforms and tiers that align with your brand’s objective, budget and campaign period.

We incorporate our expertise in digital marketing strategies in influencer management to bring out the best business outcome for your brand.


KOL & Influencer Marketing​

ANZ Channels

Chinese Channels