Recovery Plan during COVID-19
Like many other recovery plans, crafting a recovery plan for post-COVID-19 is a daunting task for many small-to-medium businesses. At Brand Catalyser, we helped numerous businesses to be ready for the next phase of their business calendars. Ranging from skincare, education, real estate to many more, each recovery has its own specific needs and input.
However, somethings don't have to be different for the sake of being different - and a basic checklist on a business recovery plan is one of them.
We understand small businesses may have limited resources and information from large-scale consultancies may have complex frameworks too hard to understand. Which is why we are giving out our Recovery Playbook to the public for free to help businesses who wish to craft their post-COVID-19 action plans quickly and most importantly - with zero to no cost.
Here are the four actions we recommend businesses to commit in their recovery plan:
Step 1: ASSESS
Is Your Team Ready?
Businesses which have gone through organisation restructure will need to evaluate current capacity whether they are fit for operating at previous scale.
Scaling back up may take time and multiple parties. Hence, the quicker and earlier the decision is made, the easier it is to avoid operation bottlenecks.
Is Your Vendor Ready?
You might be ready for an immediate bounce back in full-scale but your suppliers might be otherwise.
Have a look at the parties involved in the supply chain if they are ready to operate.
Step 2: ADJUST
Predict & Prepare
Meeting Needs
Let Actions Speak
There's only so much you can do to comfort your customers. More often than not, it's the actions which are lacking when it comes to assuring them - not the words.
Introduce your strategy on what measures have been taken to make the buying or consumption process easier or safer. If you're placing some new house rules, make sure you tell them exactly what is expected when they visit.
Policy of Honesty
There's plenty of news, tactics and outrageous ideas out there, but which one is the right fit for your business? Choosing the right models for innovation is a tough choice to make, just as much as eliminating the old ones.
But things don't have to be so difficult. Here's a group you can always rely upon - your customers.
No Room to Wait
Forward-Looking Data
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